Originally posted by D43M0NYou try this one?
By this amazingly generic title, I have hoped for maximum attendancy to this thread. You listening?
I require a list of websites for UnrealEd 2.0 tutorials. I have tried many, and none have the basics-advanced stuff. I am losing patience here, please HELP!!!
Take them one at a time. Enjoy. It has been about 3 years since I messed around with it... wish it was all still fresh in my head so I could be more help.
Here are some hints I do remember.
Imagine this... A big hunk of black clay. From this hunk we will carve a world.
Any brush you draw will be clay removed... to make a cave or to make a sky area. Brushes drawn are clay being removed.
Try not to overlap brushes... you don't want to remove clay twice from the same area... learn how to keep your snap to grid on.
When you go to remove a brush from the world it leaves a hollow... first select a texture before you remove and that will be the texture left on the wall.
When you add a brush the same rule is there... whatever texture you have selected is the texture used for the added brush. Always trim your brushes with interesect or deintersect before adding or removing... and don't remove from an area already removed from... only added to!
Zones are important, and they are separated by a slightly different kind of brush... more like a sheet. You will need to learn Intersect as well as de-intersect to trim brushes before you add or remove them!
Once you have separated one area from another with one of these sheets you can place Zone Info to make it water.... or give damage... or just make game play faster from one zone to the other.
Wish I remembered more... but good luck... it was the easiest map making tool I ever used!
Edit! What the Heck... here is a map I made back in 2001.
Enjoy... open it up and play... open it with Unrealed and mess with it. Save a copy first!!!
Open any pre-made maps you have and see how they are organized.. this will help you.
Good luck!
Originally posted by D43M0NDid you cut and paste the text? It is very case-sensative....
Thanks for the Phlabbit, I really appreciate it.
For some reason, I can't download Ringworm. Any ideas why?
If you still can't get it PM me with your email and I can send it from mine... it is only 600K or so.