Hi, i am Knight! I am new here and just wanted to say hi and meet some friends, that way i know who to play if i get my star!
If you could leave a message and introduce yourself, tell me a bit about your background in chess! Thanks!
Much apprecaited, looking forward to fun games and fun chat!
Originally posted by KNighT IN ArmorHi I'm Shavixmir.
Hi, i am Knight! I am new here and just wanted to say hi and meet some friends, that way i know who to play if i get my star!
If you could leave a message and introduce yourself, tell me a bit about your background in chess! Thanks!
Much apprecaited, looking forward to fun games and fun chat!
I used to be a very good chess player, then I discovered women, drink, drugs and good food.
Now I can't seem to get above 1300 points.
Originally posted by KNighT IN ArmorHi and welcome to the best chess site around. Have fun.
Hi, i am Knight! I am new here and just wanted to say hi and meet some friends, that way i know who to play if i get my star!
If you could leave a message and introduce yourself, tell me a bit about your background in chess! Thanks!
Much apprecaited, looking forward to fun games and fun chat!
Sorry I cant challenge my games are full, when i can i will thanks for being so polite! 😉
And sorry Toe??? I do not understand, former member, no im new here. Ive been sitting here checking the whole site out now for a couple hours, and really enjoy this site, i like the clans, they seem so competitive. Which as a Knight competition is my game? But no, i am me, and I am a Knight!
Good Chess to All!