Originally posted by pradtfThat is STRONG!
to all those players who have defeated me on rhp, i want you to know that i forgive you.
to all those players who lost to me, i know you really wanted to defeat me, and for that i forgive you too.
Thanks pradtf. You have taken the first step in healing a lot of heartache out there.
I would also like to forgive everyone who has beaten me. I was holding grudges, and building up hostility, but now, I am free.
Jonathan "I no longer have a hate list" Fulcher😏
pradtf's Got Salt!
No more to be said 'bout it.... He's "Da Man".
We can all rest easy tonight.... with dreams of being as "Chess Cool" as pradtf...
EDIT! If you have not done so yet, you need to see the full size version of prad's forum avatar at:
Say no more, say no more!
this is so kind of you fulcherjl and phlabibit. i would be moved to tears if i were not so busy forgiving what seems to be an endless stream of chess playing beings who have blessed me by crossing my path. it is deeply reassuring for me to know that as i humbly stumble on this path, i am accompanied by noble spirits of at least the two of you. more will no doubt join this glorious quest of ours, but for now we three 'musketeers' can surely cry out: 'forgiveness for one, forgiveness for all!'