I of course absolutely agree...and if it is all my fault for this then all I
can do is apologize to John...but it was never about him.
And all i can think is that he is being put into the middle of this by
someone other than myself because I throw no guilt on this one to
anyone that takes my side or does not.
John...no one wants you to go...myself head on that list.
Dad says he isn't going to read the forums anymore, but I will pass on
the wishes of you all for him to return..
No it was not you. I am not going to name names because that would
be "pointing fingers." I can direct you to the post that angered him
enough to leave the site tho...
Posted by sintubin [20 September 2002 00:24]
let me summarize for you (please don't laugh - its serious):
you, Sharon, Lyn, Janey, Julia, Alley Crime, and a lot of not yet
explicitly mentioned members of RHP are conspiring against Dave.
besides that, all is OK.
wish you all the best. Gilbert.