... to all who posted in response to my "Does anyone else have this
problem?" thread. Lots of great insight and advice and (dare I use
such a sappy word?) supportiveness to be had from all of you. I am
going to play rather sparingly today, and enjoy the fact that it's nice
outside, and tonight I'm going to get some tattoo work done, and the
moves I DO make will be well thought out. Again, my thanks to all of
I had a Mickey Mouse done when I was 18...don't remember any of
it...was totally hammered...hid it from my dad for three months.
My wonderful wife Beck got the best looking Minnie on her leg that I
have ever seen...she actually went and bought a book for $27 and
then showed the guy the picture of what she wanted...since he had
nothing to go on...and gave him the book...he then did hers for free.
So the whole Mickey and Minnie motif is big in our house..hehehe
Hell, I'd do that whether we win or not! Actually, the tattoo on my right
arm is sort of a mural (it extends from my bicep up to my shoulder,
and by later tonight will continue to my shoulder blade), and it
includes a horse's head which was used as an illustration for a short
story I wrote about chess.