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Please honor the following request...
Any and all of you presently traveling on some low road where its customary to take a fiendish pleasure in working off your daily frustrations
and general disappointment with life by depositing nasty innuendo, predjudicial perversity and sexual smut posts on threads I've initiated...
please cease and desist. Why? Took a two hour break to make a few phone calls and have dinner. Came back to discover two fairly popular threads
"World's Longest" (Five letter Word Chain) and "Standing O" were missing and had been dumped in some dust bin because of several individuals'
purposeful contamination with malice aforethought. You know who you are and you know the motives underlying your actions. Haunt some other
house. There's more to this cowardly behavior than I'm at liberty to disclose publically. Let's just say that others are also aware of your identities.
Thank you.