Originally posted by SunburntWe've learned a lot about some characters (Jacob, Richard, Smokey) but I don't think I've learned too much more about the main characters. There's not much more we need to know about them. Regardless, I do enjoy how they are wrapping things up. The Flash Sideways was ballsy but so far it has panned out. Obviously it's not going to make everyone happy but I have loved every second of it. I think next week will reveal the origin behind the Jacob/Man in Black rivalry/relationship/competition/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
No. I love the developments in the last season. FINALLY, more about the characters.
You better stay out of this thread if you don't want spoilers though. Someone's bound to spill. I'm shocked you came in here in the first place.
Originally posted by huckleberryhoundA lot of people bailed off the bus because they couldn't take the plot-twist/endless questions format over the first three-four seasons and continue to slag the show even after not having watched it for years but I can honestly say I have enjoyed Lost over the past six seasons as much as I enjoyed my favourite dramas of all-time: The Sopranos and The Wire.
I never got on the lost bus....was it any good?
Does every question (no matter how irrelevant) get answered in Lost? No.
Does it require a suspension of disbelief? Of course.
Does it pay off in the end? That depends purely on the viewer and what they expect out of the show.