I was wondering if there were others around here. Anyone can learn how to lucid dream. It does take some effort, though. What prompted this thread is this phenomenon where you might have a dream that comes wrapped up in a full back-story that did not exist at all until, well, you had the dream. I think I'm sleep-typing.
The post that was quoted here has been removedLaBerge is one of my heroes. He helped found the Stanford sleep research lab, and proved I wasn't fing nuts.
Sometimes, when I don't like a dream I'm having, I snap awake. My body is still paralyzed. I don't think that is supposed to happen. Maybe this is a new skill.
The post that was quoted here has been removedSubconscious mind's incredibly mysterious and powerful. Always been my impression that its first job each night is to collect and remove the garbage and trash (to prevent the dumpster contents from being recirculated). Then, I think the Night Shift begins examining and sorting any and all random input from the day. Since the subconscious has unlimited access to short and long term memory storage capacity (and since it has no sense of or orientation to time) it's in a unique position to come up with answers to bothersome questions; and solutions to minor challenges; and resolution of major conflict situations. Interesting to speculate that the night shift staff may, also, amuse itself during lunch break with creative writing which becomes movies. And move over, Silverstriker, the stuff which becomes the entries you announce as RHP Prose Contest Winners.