...to whom it may concern. I'm playing 2 games vs dorsflando. He
agreed not to time me out when I was in hospital, but now he doesn't
move. Neither can I send him an e-mail. We exchanged some mails
at our personal addresses, so I have the correct one. My mail that I
was ready to re-start our games can't be forwarded. Nothing wrong on
my side though. Are you there, dorsflando? Or does anyone of you
know something about him? Thanks a lot!
Hi Boby! Since I'm the worrying type, I'm worried about dors, as also
his e-mail address, which I used several times and he mine, can't
receive mails. My messages don't come back 'undelivered'. They just
stay in the outgoing box and leaves me a message that this address
can't be reached. Oh well...