Ncrosby... Thanx bud. Yup, lots of talk here and there about it. It is over now... and we have just memories.
And more memories to make. If Florida still stands on Friday... I will be in Orlando!
Sir, Chin Up Chump! Ok. Sure.
Chess Cat.... Thanx bud!
Orky... Thanx for the fruit basket... even if you did eat all the Bananas.
Rgoud... Thanks... I could use some health... But you probably already know I have enough happiness to try and spread a bit around.
D43... Sometimes a Mecha Duck is all you have to hold onto.... remember that... regardless if it is no use to you.
Mr. Robbo, Thanx bud. Should be alright!
Mz. Bibbit and I are doing fine. I've had friends from all over the US in town this week and had a great time. I even got a chance to have some BBQ for lunch 3 hours before I got married.... while the girls were doing hair and running all over.
Men... we are very lucky. I am glad my woman tolerates me enough to share my last name with me!
Happy P-