ozhkozh sent me this email after I claimed a time out out win against
I quote:
"you piece of shit........aol....has been screwed up for a week.....it just
opens back up today......and you claim the win on me.......now i know
how you have won as many games as you have.....why do you even
bother playing"
For those that are interested just do a search in the public games view
and see how many games he's claimed time-outs in himself!
It's true that the time out rule is a legitimate way to win,otherwise it
would'nt be set in place. On the other hand,I personally don't feel
comfortable claiming a win. I can't say I've never done it,because I'd
be a hypocrite too. But I don't click right on it soon as the "claim win"
appears. I give it a couple more reminders before I claim a win.
Because that's not how I want to win. There's no accomplishment or
competition in that. It's kinda like a boxing match that has been
stopped, for a cut that resulted from a headbutt. Sure,you get the
TKO,but you hav'nt proven yourself to be the better fighter.
If the resultant ratings adjustments for completed games were based
on the ratings of the players at the START of the game it would be a
different matter. As I've already pointed out elsewhere to not claim
can be suicidal. At risk of repeating myself - if you are playing
someone with a rating higher than your own and you lose, your rating
is not severly affected. If, however, they stop making moves and lots
of people claim time-outs against them then their rating can drop to a
really low level. They then come back on the scene and beat you - you
stand to lose the full 30 points!
It was mentioned elsewhere that some people take the full time when
they're losing a game, hoping that their opponents increase their
ratings before that game is over so that the own rating won't drop that
much. If the calculation would be based on the players' ratings as they
were when the game started this "trick" didn't work.
I think ozhkozh is full of shit.
when i see the send reminder i send it 3 times.
after 3 times i claim win. unless it's a player that seems to be here all
the time like rhymester i'll give a little more time.
Not only that it would take a a-bomb to put aol out for a week.
there's millions of dallars stacked to the sky. i can see an hour maybe
3 hours. but a week. who's a peice of shit here?
Originally posted by ChrisNot that my two cents is worth anything, but i think the ratings should be that agreed to when the game started.
This raises an interesting point. How do people feel about whether
the rating calculation should be based on the players' ratings as they
were when the game started, or whether they should be based on the
ratings when the game completes?
There are pro's and con's either way, but i think you enter the game against a player with a certain rating, that should be the rating you are scored on. Provisionals are different, and their rating should be established first.
I am usually wrong with these things, but thats my opinion.