Just wondering lads if there is any other way of becoming a pawn star
other than paying by credit card?
The fact im an IRISH student means i couldnt get one even if i had a
magic lamp (genies have limits too you know!), and also that my
mother wouldnt let me within 43 miles of hers.
If this is a stupid question let me know but i would really like to
become one of the elite with those shiny stars after their name
I think it would quite suit me haha
Cheers Mark
Hey Mark...try the feedback deal to get directly to Chris and
Russ..hopefully they have an alternate route you can do...check or
money order or donating some blood or something..hehehe.
But they need the pawn stars so that would be the way to go.
And of course we would love to have you as one 😀