This was only the third time in Olympic history the US has lost in basketball. The excuses are no good: the international rules, not enough outside shooters, and the different dimensions of the court. In today's papers Allan Iverson mentions how Greece will have the advantage with the refs in today's game. Carmelo Anthony complains about his playing time. What a bunch of babies.
Originally posted by iceczarJim Roam on the radio had me cracking up!
This was only the third time in Olympic history the US has lost in basketball. The excuses are no good: the international rules, not enough outside shooters, and the different dimensions of the court. In today's papers Allan Iverson mentions how Greece will have the advantage with the refs in today's game. Carmelo Anthony complains about his playing time. What a bunch of babies.
'Hey, don't you guys see these 3 letters on our shirts? We shouldn't need to chase you guys around. We didn't sign up for this. We wanted to chuck some nice ally-oops to each other and win. Please stop making us look bad, don't you know who we are? Quit trying so hard, we are the US Basketball team. We are the best.'
And if you know Jim Roam, you can imagine he went on and on and on about it.
Originally posted by dan182No, that guy was the waterboy for the Lakers! 😉
i was shocked in hearing that result and upon watching them against greece last night i recognised one name only (not that i follow bball @ all).
i am assuming in it a US C or D team, is this correct ??
the commentators did say that at least one of them plays for the lakers.