Brilliant time waster, this one : http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/tetka.html Pick her up and fling her about 😉 -Russ
Originally posted by Russ Brilliant time waster, this one : http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/tetka.html Pick her up and fling her about 😉 -Russ
Buxted UK
Originally posted by XanthosNZ This was posted in the PFC weeks ago 😠Try to keep up Russ.
Earth Prime
It was also posted in General a while back, I prefer the full screen: http://soap.chattablogs.com/archives/flash/tetka.swf
Ha! I wondered if she could get stuck. The answer is yes!
This was posted too: http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/georgie.htm
There's a version with George Bush, but I've forgotten the URL.
The sky
Originally posted by royalchicken There's a version with George Bush, but I've forgotten the URL.
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