...ring ring !
"hey Xanth - can you get that ?"
" 'k - hello, 421 history"
"who - yes, ok"
"hey skeets - there's this NSS aide on the line who wants to know if you'll hold for some Barrack dude. You been flaming that NASA site again ?"
"not me - I'll be right up"
"hi, skeets here"
"who ? seriously ?"
"well thank you Sir. 30 thousand moves is a bit of an achievment"
"a match? absolutely - you do subscribe to the site ?"
"oh dear - that's unfortunate"
"Yep. OTB - works for me"
"what? yes - there's a little park not far from here. Im sure Marine One could get in. Bit unrealistic to play in a helicopter I would have thought ?"
"where ? Guantamano Bay ? Sounds good. Got a beach ?"
"splendid - I'm in"
"another matter ?"
"yes - a substantial old Air Force hanger at Groom Lake. A real bargain I thought. and the syndicate is really pleased with the purchase and the contents"
"what ? no way - the chattels were a condition of the sale. The lunar lander and module is what we were really after. The hanger is just scrap"
"want them back ?? why ? a stiff breeze will wreck the whole shebang.. You can't possibly be serious about going to the moon in that film set mock up. ?"
"oh - damage control - you just want to put them on the moons surface. S'pose that might work."
"offer I can't refuse ? OK I'll consider it whilst we're playing. Pick me up in 1 hour"
"good - see then. Bye Sir"
"Hey Xanth - pack my board and clocks for me. I've a couple of away matches with some guy who owns a helicopter. Lets see how deals with my Sicilian."
"Jesus wept - Americans - think they run the planet and now they want to go to the moon. Fat chance. If I'm not back by the weekend feed the goldfish and put the rubbish out."
" 'k skeets - see you soon"