When I don't get a response, my imagination (paranoia) takes off
and I may take it personally. I am like you in that I enjoy the
commoraderie and friendship on the site and a non-responder
reminds me that some people come to play chess and that's it. No
problem. Keep sending over games to people you like playing.
You're playing great against me. Kirk
I must admit that you got a point here!! 🙂
I have another explanation...hummm.... perhaps they just have a
computer with a mouse but without any keypad!!! Just kiddind!! 😉
Seriously, I understand your frustration... and I will always refuse to
play another game with someone who never reply my message!!!
Anyway these people never keep playing here very long...
p.s. They're always players without profile...
Now this is a take I never considered- that we might have a good ole
fashion controversy on the site again. But instead of name calling
about sexual orientation and intelligence it is about the talkers vs non-
talkers. Hey, everybody, today is my birthday! If you'd like to resign
a game in my honor, feel free. Kirk