1. How does a rating calculation for a particular game work? Are the
ratings at the time the game starts used, or at the time the result is
2. Is a forum search possible? I'd like to be able to search the forums
by subject, text string, and individual who posted. Is this possible.
3. I seem to have lost a post thread. I know it passed moderation
and had several replies, but now I can't find it, even on earlier pages.
The post was under the subject, "One possible solution" or some such
wording. Does this happen much? Can it be restored?
Thanks for anyone who can answer these.
yes, they are. You may find in the help forum
postings where I offered to people asking me to send them
an excell spreadsheet that calculates the resulting rate depending on
the rates at the end of the game. The calculation is an 100%
reproduction of the rules stated in the Help function under FAQ.
I only have no answer to my question I posted some months ago:
what happens with fractions of points? say you should gain 11.3
points, you expect to see only 11. But if you have 4 games like that,
does it carry over? It looks a bit ridiculous, but it could be clarified.
a possible simple answer:
using ratings at the end of the game, one only needs to keep a list of
everyone's current rating.
Using ratings from the beginning of the game, one needs to keep
track of multiple ratings, one for each game started, for each player.
Or are you just playing dumb again to see who says what?
You Willey Coyote, you.
I really would like to know, but just for curiosity sake. It doesn't really
make much difference to me. I just wondered if there was a standard,
or a reason, and if it could be improved upon.
It makes sense not to track multiple rating values. However, the
starting and ending ratings could be averaged over days played by
creating a standard calculation field. That way one formula could cover
all game ratings, and then run the calculation upon the action of
game completion.
Fun with spelling,