Really, it is funny but i think that happens only in Greece (if happens somewhere else you can add your place). Well, why we tend to spend a great amount of our time in coffee shops, bars, clubs?
It is amazing the fact that we are being called the nation of laze people and it is fact that we are. Why?
Perhpaps that is the most important reason over this matter...
My personal opinion, though it may sound hard, is that media, newspapers (and all the kind of entertaining people (especially in Greece)),goverment(we are the only nation that we have special educating clubs that instruct you how to
go well in the public-tests in order to get a steady job in the public sector!) are focused on one basic thing: money brings hapiness.
Well, yes that is truth in one way and i mean that money surely are necessary for someone because without them, he simply can not have food to eat. But instead of focusing on how you can gain money, the media tend to present rich people who are very happy with their lives (and most of them do not, because their life is meaningless (NOT ALL!!)) and how they spend their money.
How you gain money:
1. I strongly believe that the only way is this: NOT SPEND YOUR TIME in front of television all day, only when you like it!
2. Do not waste all your time in misery for money, work instead!
3. Do not make friends only for the reason that they have money and "important" friends ,that is really stupid because they simple understand it.
My personal moto over this subject is: make others need you and afraid of you(not because you will hurt them, but because if they hurt you, they will be faced as "BaD" people in the public eye.
I'm a little nervous, that why i wrote all these things... You Know i do anything i can to find a serious job in Greece and i can not and i m not going to spend my time working for free (and without any kind of health-insurance because here in Greece we do not Know what really HEALTH-INSURANCE means) in caffee bars, clubs, and these that give you an easy but not educating way to earn money.
Something that i forget to say on how you gain money: RESPECT on yourself first and then on the people that are around you (ofcourse if they diserve respect and i think that someone diserve respect if he only respect him-her(self)
Y.G. Today they told with a nice way that my work qualification are above the needed level and there is nothing they can do about it. I do not give up, i will go on free! LoL (a way of thinking...)
have fun always & everywhere!!!
(Sorry for my English)