When I decided to sign on for the tournament, my RHP rating was
1432 or close to it. I'm now signed up to compete in the 1400 level.
What would happen if, hypothetically, I were to either drop into the
1300's or rise into the 1500's by the tournament's cut-off date? I was
just checking out some games my friend richjohnson is currently
playing and noticed that he has gone from the high 1300's to the low
1400's within the last couple days (good job rich!). He signed up for
the tournament while in the 1300 range. If he remains in the 1400's
until the tournament starts, will he still be signed up to play in the
I mean no disrespect, but what is the rationale for this policy? If a
player jumps a rating group in the interval between signing on and the
start of tournament play, why must that player be relegated to the
lower rating group? Is this fair for others in that group, who will then
be forced to compete with someone who actually belongs in a higher
rating group? Is this fair to the player, who may want to try his luck
against players with similar ratings? This problem seems especially
acute when there is such a lag between signing up and the start of
tournament play? Again, I just want to understand the reason for the
decision, I'm not debating your right to make it.
At the moment it is time consuming to make sure we dont
miss anyone who want to sign up. Keeping tract of rating changes on
top of it would be just way to much. Your point is valid and so is
Daves. Please, I want to play chess also and not to have to spend all
my time in the forum.
Asssitant TD KO
John...thank you for making this post.
Also...the thing we talked about in email...I cannot give out the other
TD's addys without their permission.
So we need to make sure they are ok with that before I make that
post. That way they can start getting their ducks in a row in their
assigned sections.
You mean you tournament director fellows are not here exclusively for
my convenience? 😉 I know it must be time consuming running the
tournies, and we all appreciate it. One point, however: Schliemann's
response is germane only for the prevention of sandbagging, or
intentionally playing at a lower rating level to obtain an advantage in
tournament play. This does not answer part of my original question,
which was: Is it fair to relegate a player to a lower rating level if,
during the interval between singing on and the cut off date, that
player achieves a rating within a level HIGHER than the one originally
reported during the sign on phase? If the only rationale for restricting
a player to a rating level lower than the one achieved by the start of
tournament play is that adjustments of that sort are too time
consuming, then that is fair enough. I was just wondering if there were
other reasons.
Thanks for all your work,
Perhaps I can put this issue to rest. Two points are germane:
convenience and fairness.
There is a matter of convenience because there is the possibility of
have quite a few people in any tournament and keeping up with their
particular ratings is difficult given the tools available on the site. There
is the possibility of manipulation of individual ratings if one simply
goes by what site says at any particular time (sandbagging). Our
volunteer force of TD and asst's. have more than enough to do
without additional work (much thanks to you guys!). As you say,
Bennett, this, in and of itself is fair enough.
As you point out, there is the possibility of achieving a higher rating
between sign-up and cut-off. However, we must note that you are in
control of when you sign up and thus we reach fairness - because you,
as players, are in control. That is not to encourage anyone to wait until
the last moment but if you seriously believe that this will make a real
difference for you indivually, then take control of your destiny!
The method we have here is simple, minimizes the much appreciated
work of those who have chosen to serve the community, and
essentially places the players in control. Personally, I'm not seeing a
there's many reasons why a player will be in a group higher or lower
than he deserves - technically a new player with a 1200 rating could be
an international GM who hasn't played enough games yet; if I had
claimed the timeouts I could have done just before I signed up I
could have jumped into the 1400's, or if I'd resigned the games I
knew were lost but was playing to the death for fun I could have
dropped down to the 1200's.
I don't believe any player here can be perminantly put in an 100
bracket, as we all have good runs and bad. I also believe that players
that "should" be one group below will still have good games and
players that "should" be in a higher group aren't certain of clearing up
with ease - I've beaten people 250 higher than me, and lost against
sub 1200's.
Hopefully, breaking people into the 100's group will just make sure
that games aren't totally mismatched (that doesn't meen that I'm not
looking forward to taking Dave on - LOL)
I hope this isn't seen as antagonistic, I don't mean it to be but I WELL
tired right now so may have got the tone wrong.
Freak - eagre to be the first one knocked out