I saw the news today
I saw burned friends in bags
I saw the end of the world
My brothers lie dead
And the end of the day
Brings the end of innocence
What is this pain?
I did not know them
But I cannot forget
Indonesians, New Zealanders, Canadians, Americans,
Come and drink from my cup of pain
Our brothers are dead
I feel deeply shocked by the bombings in Bali. I was also deeply
shocked by the bombing of the Twin Towers last year but for me this
has a a much more local dimension. I was in Bali two years ago. I
went to the cities being named in the news, maybe walked past the
discos where people died. I played chess against a Balinese man who
had burned government buildings in one of their insurrections. I could
not imagine this man burning me. I saw contempt in his eyes, I saw
how it hurt him to lose against me, but I did not see hate.
I have compassion for those who have died, for their families, and
those suffering from burns. I also have compassion for those who
have been educated to hate, educated to see others as less than
human, educated to believe in a righteous cause that causes them to
kill their brothers and sisters. I have compassion for a world which
needs compassion.
I've been out in those bars in kuta as well, and it does bring things
home, coming from London I know all too well the edgy feeling of
knowing someone could blow you up at any moment. That said it is
important not to blame the Bailnese themselves in anyway. Bali is not
a islamic island - I think its Hindu (or something like that). A lot of
the problems in Bali come from a influx of Javanese "hawkers" sent
into Bali to distrupt the tourist trade as the Javanese are jelous of it.
The people of Bali are generally peaceful and friendly, unfortunatley
the Indonesian governement is a different matter, ask the people of
East Timor
I quite agree with you Ben, very wise words, I feel that this latest
attack has more appauling impact because I too have been there (6
months ago) and it is a Paradise with the friendliest people in the
world, the only hindu island located in Indonnesia and it really has a
special quality- offering so much -
If you have been to Ubud or Mount Agung - these are deeply calming
and religious places where people go to pray and declare their love of
the world and the ******** that caused this attrocity should be made
to pay for this,
I am a very easy going person and it makes me sick to see things
like this, especially when I have been to the club and bar that were hit
which makes it more personal to me, but I want to just put my heart
out to those who have lost their families and friends of which there are
many nationalities and I hope that the island recovers its naive charm
that it had before this shameful act.
Terima Kasae (Phonetically spelt as I was never too hot at Balinese)