i'm not here to crack down your identity. december 24, 1861
July 8th 2009 It says so right here <
I was born in the wagon of a traveling show. Oh, wait. You said "when," not "where." Never mind...
wow, so you moved 400 times in 1 day
You shouldn't take online chess so serious.
When is your birthday? There's generally more than one coming of age. Which one?
13/2/08 2/13/08 if you're american.
In the Green Room
I have 2 friends who are identical twins, but they don't have the same birthday. The first was born just before midnight and the other just after.
Originally posted by trev33 13/2/08 2/13/08 if you're american.
PaTROLLING the forum
The same day as last year...
The day I was born....yours?
72/9/16 in iran's date and it means: 7th of December 1993
Originally posted by Bad wolf 31/02/1990
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