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When to accept a draw? Please help!

When to accept a draw? Please help!



19 Oct 01
09 Mar 02
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Hi, I'm by no stretch of the imagination a good chess player, even
though I'm improving all the time. But I have a problem in that in one
of my games (60208 - Diekoning v Mvoogt) I'v repeatedly been
offered a draw. The player can keep me in check for some time, by
repeating the same move over. But he can't checkmate me. In fact I
feel that I could easily win and I am in a far stronger position. I told
he could resign or make another move. We've had this stand-off for a
week now and he refuses to budge. If some of the more competent
players could please have a look at the game and advise me, I'd
appreciate it.



21 Dec 01
09 Mar 02
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Looks like a draw through the 3 move repetition to me. Put yourself in
your opponents shoes he is x number of pieces down & can't win if he
makes a different move, most people (myself included) would do the
same in his position. Agree to a draw & play a rematch or you could
end up in the guiness book of records


a bit closer please

08 Dec 01
09 Mar 02
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I'll be interested in what the opinion of other players, say tournament
players, is.
But here is my two cents.

I'd argue that you need to accept the draw in this case.
In fact, I'd argue that your NOT accepting the draw is rude.

Mvoogt can keep you in check for more than "sometime" - he can
keep you in check until the 50 move limit, which forces the game to a
draw. And given that's the best he can hope for, Mvoogt would be a
damned idiot to just back off and let you win.

Do you really want to sit there and push that king back and forth until
you've done it 50 times and the computer announces a draw? That's
whats going to happen if you don't accept the fact you got snookered
this time. Yeah, it sucks not winning a game you "should" have won.

But it happens.

What has happened is that a player in a weaker position, down by
material, managed to force a draw out of you. YOU shouldn't have let
that happen. But YOU did. You shouldn't have let him box you into
that corner. That was an oversight on your part, well parleyed by
mvoog into a draw.

So accept the draw, study where you went wrong, and move on.

The fact that you think you are a better player, and "could" beat him if
he let you out of perpetual check is an invalid (to be polite)
argument. Why should another player hand you a win just because
you think you could have gone on to win the game had you not
accidently let yourself get stuck in a perpetual check?

If you think you are really the better player, then challenge mvoog
again and beat the daylights out of him. Beat him ten times straight,
just to show who's boss.

But this particular game looks like history.

Again, curious what others opinion will be. Especially since you asked
for "more competent" players to advise you. And that, I'm not! 🙂



24 Feb 02
10 Mar 02
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I find it astonishing that you are so poor at chess that you need to
come on to the forums to ask how to play your games - sor t it out
using your own intelligence. Why don't you ust use a chess engine if
you want to cheat. If you can't play chess, don'ty play on RHP. I find
this sort of begging for advice pathetic! Lets stop this now, it is thais
that ruins RHP. Players like you should be kickedoff. When I was
younger, the internet was for goods, wholesome, honest pastimes -
like looking up hardcore porn(pawn!) for example. Lets stop this once
and for all


19 Oct 01
10 Mar 02
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Interesting reply. I was told I could join RHP because it is for both
those who are serious about the game and those who are learning.
Chess is not my favourite passtime, and I'm not brilliant at it, but I'm
learning fast. I was merely asking about the rules and a specific
situation. But considering the insults you like to use to express
yourself, I would suggest you challenge me to a game and then we
see how good you really are. I'm anxiously waiting for your challenge.

The Diplomat

Slightly Left :D

22 Jun 01
10 Mar 02
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That is the purpose of this forum...to ask questions...post and share
ideas...talk about chess.

I find you "pathetic" to jump all over this person for asking a simple
question. He didn't know about perpetual check..so what. I claimed a
draw on a guy due to three move repetition of an entire position...he
agreed and we played another game.

And as for what "ruins" RHP..it seems to me to be people like
yourself. And anyone who is 0-2..should not be saying anyone else
should be kicked off.

(Notes "Idiots of the world unite! Your leader..Mr Dosset..is here!"


19 Oct 01
11 Mar 02
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Thanks for your support. But you will find people in all walks of life
who are intolerable and downright rude to those who are still learning.
I hope our friend takes up my offer of a challenge. He/She may know
the rules, but I'd like to know if he/she can play chess!


18 Jan 02
10 Mar 02
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Something similar is happening to me: I'm playing 2 games against R Kelly, and in both he keeps
offering a draw, but, here's the important bit, WITHOUT MAKING A SINGLE MOVE! As it happens I'm
not winning by much in either of the games, but he could have used this tactic if I was one move
from putting him in checkmate!

As for your game, if he can put you in check repeatedly it should be a draw, and I think it would
count as such in a OTB game based on a rule-of-thumb I remember vaguely from somewhere: If
the pieces move into exactly the same position three times in a row, both players should agree on
a draw.


a bit closer please

08 Dec 01
10 Mar 02
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Sorry if I sounded a little harsh in my first post to you.

Point is that someone (mvoogt) forcing a draw by getting you into
perpetual check situation is a "fair" tactic. Maybe not as glorious as
other ways to end a game, but still legitimate. He is under no
obligation to make a different move, one that is patentenly worse for
him. (Yup, looks like if he did any other move, you would wipe the
table with him. Which explains why he is not going to make a different
move!) If a draw is the best he thought he could get out of you, then
sticking you in perpetual check to force a draw is EXACTLY what he
should have done!

And as someone else mentioned, the game SHOULD have
automatically ended in a draw after 3 repetitions. Be happy the correct
rule isn't the 50 move limit I was thinking about! So formally, by
official chess rules, the game IS a draw at this point. Correct?

So I'll still argue you should accept the draw - this time.
Callenge him again! As I said before, go on to crush him in a second,
third, and fourth game, beat him so hard that he runs home to
mamma with his tail tucked between his legs! If he doesn't accept a
new game, know it's because he trembles in fear at the thought of
your approaching knights, bishops, rooks rumbling down on his
cowarldy King, scattering his men like the worthless peasant stock they
were born of!

Ahh, the blood sport that is chess.

The Ambassador

Charleston SC. USA

17 Jun 01
11 Mar 02
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maggoteer, I totally agree with you. I've forced a draw by the same
tactic. Sometimes you have to do it to survive. What would a real king
do in a real kingdom. Perpetual check or annihalation by his opponent.
PS: Just had to stick in my 2 cents (phennings for you English chaps)


15 Jan 02
11 Mar 02
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As to the 3-move repetition rule, I think it isn't automatically a draw.
As far as I know it's the player whose move reproduces the same
position ont the board, to claim the draw. I'll check with the FIDE-rules,
if I can dig them up.

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