There is only one. He came to bear witness to the truth. He was smittin and bruised for our transgressions. He was crucified, dead and banned. Yea, verily, he arose from the dead. He was seen in a distant land where the faithful flocked, not as sheep, but as wolves.
As foretold in prophecy he returned in all his glory. As many will testify, all one need do is call upon his name. He will answer.
Originally posted by kirksey957HOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLL
There is only one. He came to bear witness to the truth. He was smittin and bruised for our transgressions. He was crucified, dead and banned. Yea, verily, he arose from the dead. He was seen in a distant land where the faithful flocked, not as sheep, but as wolves.
As foretold in prophecy he returned in all his glory. As many will testify, all one need do is call upon his name. He will answer.
Originally posted by trawets113Thou shalt not speak His names. And I say 'names' for He has many.
Well just say it man dont drag the lambs and wolves into this too.
Like a lupine Lazarus, or like the Phoenix in which He makes His home, he has risen from the ashes of banishment and returned to pirp hos all ova this hood.
"I keep the wolf from the door
But he calls me up
Calls me on the phone
Tells me all the ways
he's gonna mess me up
Steal all my children
If I don't pay the ransom"