If you implement this policy, in schools, or in life... consider:
What gives you the right to judge? Do you have infinite wisdom?
Make sure the crime fits the time. Make the crime fits the time.
Conversely... if you can't do the time... dont do the deed. (crime is incremental, no comment needed)
Post Script... this is a post I will read three days hense and wonder if I really did it.😛 Anyone want to respond? I will not chastize.
I was kicked out of "'English" three times in high school.
first time... I responded "I ain't got no problems but grammer" to Miss Reeves in freshman English when asked, "What is the most commonly violated rule of grammer in the english language?"...
She was angling for "Dangling Participle" She got.... <Blaaaaaah Me>
second time... I responded "What are you telling us by undoing your buttons?" when asked "What do you think is a good example of a 'hidden message' in literature?" by mrs. Meldrum... Junior English. <Note... she undid and did her blouse buttons while teaching! Gag!>
Third time... Senior... I had just about killed my father the night before with a 7 mm remington. Mrs. Titensor said, concerning our semester final test... "Don't talk. Don't ask your neighbor. Begin Now.", and I immeditately turned around and blurted "What's the answer to number 12?" to Carolyn Welch. A friend who i never ceased to tease. Still do. Point being... who cares about a dumb test? We scream for attention. "I almost killed the old man! Listen to me!"... silence follows all around.
Piss on em. I went flying. That is what I remember. That is worth more than what school gave me.
Do you form immediate judgements?