Originally posted by daviddenisGame 4034367 was too short to be rated.
I have played 5 rated games - When I click the 'info' link for each game the information shows that it was rated. Yet when I check my profile out it states that I have only played 4 rated games. Whats up?
One rated game more and you get your green graph.
Originally posted by SohldierThe rating moderators looked at your game, and considered that although you won, it wasn't pretty enough play to merit a rating increase. Infact, they said it was so badly lacking in finesse, that they deducted you points. Doesn't happen often - you should feel lucky.
I just beat a guy.. My rating was 1449 before the game..After I won , my rating dropped to 1441..Why is this? Sohldier
Originally posted by SohldierIf you look at your profile you can read "Ratings are provisional until 20 rated games are completed. Ratings may appear erratic until this time."
I just beat a guy.. My rating was 1449 before the game..After I won , my rating dropped to 1441..Why is this? Sohldier
It has to do how the ratings are calculated until you've mad your 20th rated game.
How ratings are calculated is explained in the FAQ.
Originally posted by FabianFnasI liked my answer better.
If you look at your profile you can read "Ratings are provisional until 20 rated games are completed. Ratings may appear erratic until this time."
It has to do how the ratings are calculated until you've mad your 20th rated game.
How ratings are calculated is explained in the FAQ.
Originally posted by SohldierFAQ
I just beat a guy.. My rating was 1449 before the game..After I won , my rating dropped to 1441..Why is this? Sohldier
Originally posted by FabianFnasI bet he/she got more of a sense of humour than you seem to have 😉
I'm sure that Sohldier doesn't.
It was not a bit helpful for him. In fact it was quite rude.
Newcomers are sometimes lost and need a bit friendlyness in order, not only became a member but also, to stay as a member.
Originally posted by SohldierThe reason the calculations of the rating may seem erratic in the beginning is to bring your rating up (or down) to its real value as quick as poosible. Rating should reflect your skill.
That's about as bogus as it gets..When you win, youwin... Anywhere in the world your rating will NEVER drop because of a win..So peddle that rhetoric to somebody else and don't insult a chess player's intelligence. Sohldier
When you're not an provisional player anymore, then the rating is as clean as you expect it to be, believe me.
Check the FAQ and read all about it.