Originally posted by Al GreenThe number being shown is the current move to be made... So when you move black, it is now Move # for white. RHP shows Move to Make, not Last Move Made.
Black's move numbers are wrongly numbered on playing screen, it shows black's reply numbers one numeral TOO HIGH. Black never makes a move number 1 on playing screen, his first move is shown as move number 2. This was first mentioned more than a year ago.
So if you play Black, and it is your turn... it will tell you it is now Black's Move #.
The numbers are not wrong, you are thinking of Move Made and RHP is showing Move to Make.
That seems confusing...I would think that would be counting a half move as a move
Move history shows move notation correctly, why can't the playing screen show the moves the same way...move and response to be the same numeral then the next pair of moves would be move number 2...which is the way it is shown in the games move history