Going over some game history I find a minor bug in the site.
If you (say) search on completed games only (or just hunt for one in the regular list) the green square indicating
ext to move still shows in the game list page. How can that be? The game is already over so there isn't a next move.
As a suggestion, it would be nice to see a little icon to indicate the winner, or the text extended to say, e.g., Resignation - white wins or Checkmate - black wins
Originally posted by dsb3Quite right - that has always troubled me too, and took about 30 seconds to fix.
Going over some game history I find a minor bug in the site.
If you (say) search on completed games only (or just hunt for one in the regular list) the green square indicating
ext to move still shows in the game list page. How can that be? The game is already over so there isn't a next move.