Originally posted by vanderveldeI go to my own profile, click on ViewGames and get the GameHistory page, which has a "main board" button to get to the playing page. Do you get something different?
It's impossible approach to the game via "view games".
Well, one can only watch but not move.
Because the ViewGames button is for everyone to use, you couldn't have it going directly to the playing page.
If I am logged in, and even if I use view games from mt z own profiles, I do not get chance to make a move, that is there is no Submit move button, so the only way to get on the board is to go through My games, which is quite jungle-like,when I don+t clean it...
Also - the list of pages should also stand up n the page so that I don+t have to scroll each time, this is so boring on small screens as for example now on netbook in a slum hotel room