This site has never been tested on a Mac during development. [I
don't own one!]
But, the site does have 2 interfaces - a nice one for the majority of
users [AOL, Window's Internet Explorer 5.x and better] and one 'not
so nice one' which should work for everyone else.
So could you provide me some more detail about which browser you
are using on your Mac. Also, when you go to the board view, do you
see radio buttons [peg holes] on every tile?
Hi, I'm using IE 4.5 and yes the buttons do appear on every square. The do highlight when clicked
on but when I click on the move button, it highlights but then nothing happens as far as moves go.
The only other thing that often happens is I get a message saying that there is a scripting error
and do I want to continue with scrpts or not. It doesn't matter which I choose yes or no I still am
unable to mve...frustrating and I koww I'll probably be told by someone out there to get a Real
computer. But I do like my trusty old Mac Thanks
The peg holes are an alternative interface - a 'catch all' for machines
that dont support the nice interface.
To move, select the peg holes on the tile you want to move from and
tile to move to and then hit the move button.
I can't test against AOL as I don't have an AOL machine set up. If
other users are using AOL 5 and dont have problems, could they
please respond here. Thanks.
I'm using webtv. I've played 50 or so games, and I have one game that is almost over and for all intents and purposes will end in a draw. Nothing happens when I hit the move button. I can't move my man, offer draw or resign. I've played several games since this one with no problems. I've even tried archiving the game for a few days and then bringing it back out, with the same results. Any suggestions?
If there is a script error, there should be a button to press to get more
If you can, get the line number and exact error message and post it
here - someone who owns a mac or can be bothered to look up bug
lists for mac IE4.5 may be willing to take a look at the script and do
some diagnosis.