I want to change my email address, but when I do so, I am informed that the new address had already been registered. When I try Feedback, my message is not sent. I am discontinuing my old address ([removed].net) and will be using my new address ([removed] .com), but I keep on getting messages at my old address. Is it impossible for me to change my email address?
@karries saidHi,
I want to change my email address, but when I do so, I am informed that the new address had already been registered. When I try Feedback, my message is not sent. I am discontinuing my old address (.net) and will be using my new address (.com), but I keep on getting messages at my old address. Is it impossible for me to change my email address?
first thing: you shouldn't post your email address on an open forum as long as you can help it. There are robots out there reaping them.
Then: Send Feedback, that is the way to handle private details.
Please try again.
I've removed an invite you received which used your new email address, so you can now update your email address to your new email without any further problems.
I have also edited out your email addresses from the public post for the reasons @Ponderable stated.
Please check the feedback response. Your new email address is definitely not known to us now, so it should update correctly on your email settings.
Your have turned off notification emails.
Turn them back on again at : Notification Settings.