On the Clans page there's a header "create a clan". Before you do it, check the Clans forum, there are dozens of existing clans available for recycling and some of them even have points or members ... It's near impossible to get rid of a clan once you've finished with it. Post a "clan wanted" in the Clans forum and you'll be deluged with offers.
Originally posted by KewpieYes, but just for clarities sake, there do appear to be a few non subs leading clubs, a long time beyond their subscription expiry...I have no negative opinion on this as a good 'active' club takes many hours to administer, even on a rudimentary basis, and such a club is a genuine benefit to its members and therefore the site !!
Oops! missed that small detail. 😳 Only subscribers have the ability to create or participate in clans. And before you ask, only subscribers have the ability to lead clubs, although non-subs can join them.