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Conditional Moves

Conditional Moves


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I do manage to make one or two different conditional moves but not two consecutively...
How should i do it?

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Originally posted by Poutch
I do manage to make one or two different conditional moves but not two consecutively...
How should i do it?
The deep feature?


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Yep, i understood that it will be the key...
But i don't manage to use the DEEP correctly! I might be stupid...


Originally posted by Poutch
Yep, i understood that it will be the key...
But i don't manage to use the DEEP correctly! I might be stupid...
No, you're not stupid. It's not extremely intiutive, and not well documented.

Follow me:
(1) Go to the "Conditional moves" and "Deep mode".
(2) Do his move, click "Record conditional move".
(3) Do your own move, click "Submit Conditional Move".
There, now you have registered a conditional move.
From there, from that position, do (2) and (3) again, and you did the next conditional move. This is called cascading conditional moves.
If you just want to do one conditional move, then the Quick Mode is enough.

Is this what you wanted to do?

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Thx, your explanation is perfect and i did it !!!

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Originally posted by Poutch
Thx, your explanation is perfect and i did it !!!
Happy to be of assistance. 🙂

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many thx & i agree with the FAQ comments in aabove link,

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