The key words in your post: "am playing". Lord knows we have had enough threads on this subject, but I believe the TOS of RHP are clear. No other player can help you in any way with a game-in-progress. That includes not suggesting moves of course, but it also means we can't clarify anything about a game that is your responsibility to play.
The Game 5887342 is over and he won. However, at the the time he was asking, his opponent had a perpetual check with rooks going and could in fact claim a draw.
It's always good to know the rules of chess.
Originally posted by dmcunningham1218you're winning? explain so.
I am playing someone that is losing, and is making the same moves over and over again to delay my win. What can I do?
anyone who knows the rules of chess would've drawn that game, maybe you should learn how to play the game before coming to a forum and complaining about an opponent playing perfectly legal moves.
it's a disappoint that your opponent didn't know he could CLAIM a draw in that position.
i hope you didn't make an even bigger ass of yourself and say something to your opponent.
did you?