I think the computer put my piece on the wrong square! I didn't
notice because I have too many games going on at once.
Unfortunately, I made other moves before I looked back and noticed
what happened. I suspect it might have happened one other time but
at the time I just assumed I had made a collassal blunder. Has this
happened to anyone else? It's made my game almost a no-win.
I haven't been here long enough for this to happen; however, I do
take the time to look at the piece placement before clicking
the "move" button.
Since you say you have many games going, could you have thought
you were making a move in one that was really meant for a different
It hasn't happened to me, but it did happen to my opponent in one
game where he just handed over his queen. He said that he had
moved the piece there originally, saw the error, then moved another
piece instead. However, when he hit the move button, his original bad
queen move was taken. In this case, we declared the game a draw
and started over, since it would have been a pointless game once the
queen was erroneously blundered away like that.
If I've been moving various pieces around "experimentally," then I
always hit the "refresh" button in the browser before making my final
move and pressing the move button. So far, I've never had a problem
with the system picking up the wrong move.