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Fine Tuning for Draw offers

Fine Tuning for Draw offers


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I know I suggested the new method of making a move at the same time as offering a draw but even I keep forgetting to do so when it's really an acceptance of a previous draw offer.

The software really needs to have a dialogue box that comes up when the move button is clicked if an accompanying move hasn't been made rather than just sending us round in a circle.

A very useful feature would also be a permanent reminder of draw offers (and by whom) next to the board. Next to this text could be an 'Accept Draw' button which could be used a few moves later when you realise that you should have accepted a draw in the first place.
This would save time because as it is you have to go through the process of re-offering the draw yourself.


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Andrew, I could be wrong, but I believe the draw offer needs to be acted upon right away. If you accept, the game is drawn. If you decline by making another move, the offer is gone, and after that either party can make a new offer when it's their turn to move.

I'm fairly sure you can't go back after making a few more moves and decide to accept an earlier draw offer.

Did I read your post correctly? I'm sure I'll hear about it if I have this wrong !!

regards, Marc

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Yes I see what you mean Marc. I suppose the player that originally offered the draw could be in a winning position, some moves later, only to have their earlier draw offer taken up. I suppose having a 'withdraw draw offer' button could be getting a bit complicated?


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I agree that a message should pop up if you try and make a draw offer without including your move. With a message stating that "you must include a valid move with your draw offer." That way you become aware that it's not a program 'bug'.

regards, Marc

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I agree with this and I will make it so next time I have the opportunity.


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