I'm just wondering how some people can post in the below thread, but others can't:
Thread 178150
Since one member has flooded the thread with broken pgn's i.e. "please report this problem"
I've not been able to post a reply, yet other users such as mchill have apparently been able to,
as can be seen by the 'last poster' status on the thread list.
My questions are:
How can some users apparently post on threads where others can't?
Can the thread be fixed (i.e. unwanted posts removed) so others can reply?
Is this issue fixable at all in the long run?
Many thanks,
I just got the same "please report this problem", and now I've become the "last poster" in the thread list replacing mchill. My guess is that mchill tried to post and got the error message but still updated the "last poster" thread list. I suggest you send feedback if you really want the rook post removed and the thread reopened.