Why is it that when I come to RHP (I'm already logged in), it may claim there is for example 2 games waiting when there actually isn't any. When I go to the My Games -page I can see the actual situation but upper bar says something else before that. This new 'problem' has occured this week. Not that it was a big deal but just wondering because there wasn't problems like this before...
perhaps your browser's cache wasn't empty and you just saw at the startup the an old page and when you went to reload (or to MyGames) you saw the current status.
Were you playing meanwhile somewhere else (other PC)? if not, I'm wrong: the nb of waiting games can't increase while you are away (and don't get timeouts),
Originally posted by marinakatombI'm just wondering why this hasn't happened before even if I've played with the same computer and same browser since 2002 and now it happens all the time??? I haven't changed any brower options lately.
He's right, your browser has loaded a page from your cache. If you want to clear your cache got to Tools>Internet options>Delete Temporary Internet Files (assuming your using Internet Explorer 5.*)🙄
Originally posted by Lizard KingRhp is always evolving, more so since the new hardware, and such, there has been significant code changes lately.
I'm just wondering why this hasn't happened before even if I've played with the same computer and same browser since 2002 and now it happens all the time??? I haven't changed any brower options lately.
Ixnay ALL your old RHP files AND cookies and start over. It should solve most of ur problems. As part of ur housekeeping this should be a regular activity anyway?