I am moving back home next friday from uni and need to get the net for when I get back, I only need it for 3months at the max so there is no point me getting it from a company with a minimum 12 month contract. The only one I have found is Virgin and it all seems fine to join etc but when I go to put in the card details, no matter who's card I use, it says there is something wrong with the information I have entered and highlights the expiry date of the cards. One runs out end of this month, which is fair enough, one ends in January so not a year, another ok excuse, but my last chance was a card that expires in three years time and it still did it! Anyone know what I can do to get it?
You're both pathetic! I posted in general and help as it's help I need on this subject, but it doesn't get many posters in here, whereas general does. And McTayto, you are just stupid, I will not be offering draws, I will be playing games until I leave and then picking them back up again when I get the net at home.
Originally posted by expressiveoutburstSo if I need help with a chess puzzle I should post a thread in Only Chess, Posers and Puzzles, Help and possibly General as well?
You're both pathetic! I posted in general and help as it's help I need on this subject, but it doesn't get many posters in here, whereas general does. And McTayto, you are just stupid, I will not be offering draws, I will be playing games until I leave and then picking them back up again when I get the net at home.
Originally posted by expressiveoutburstMctayto was only joking mate 🙂
You're both pathetic! I posted in general and help as it's help I need on this subject, but it doesn't get many posters in here, whereas general does. And McTayto, you are just stupid, I will not be offering draws, I will be playing games until I leave and then picking them back up again when I get the net at home.