What a relief!!!!
I've been wondering the same things, and was starting to think I was
the only one who was puzzled by them....
I'm even in one, but have no idea how I got there, or how to get out
of there, since I don't really think I want to be there.
I have no idea of what purpose they serve, but maybe someone will
read these posts and have answers...
The groups idea was a bit misconceived. They will soon be
reappearing in another form. They really are no more than a 'buddy
list' or player watch. Some people misundertand that and think it's
more of an 'egroup' or 'smartgroups' type thing. It isnt.
The idea was that if there is some people you might like to keep an
eye on, add them to a group. Everyone in my office is in one group,
so i find it quite useful to see what people are upto. And everyone in
that group can see too.
So, expect some changes there soon. I will change it to a personal
list of people you would like to watch, private to you. (and call it
something sensible like a 'buddy list' )