I ask this not out of curiousity, but through observing eyes. 'Rec' stands for recommended posts, as I was explained a few months ago by some generous members of the RHP. However, I believe that the subscribers are not using the 'recommend post' feature wisely. A post which turns out to be a source of entertainment and laughter earns no less than 3 recs!, whereas a serious post related to serious topic (worth a rec) either gets rec'd once, twice or doesn't get rec'ed at all! I understand that man is a social animal and that laughter is good for health, and I also don't intend to preach anything here and teach all the honourable men at the RHP to follow my axioms; but what I would like to suggest here is that "Please use all the RHP features wisely.". In addition, I would also like to add, seing that the magnificent game-mods have entered the scene, "Please don't misuse any of the RHP features, especially the PM.". And of course, I say this one for all those immoral cheaters out there at the RHP " 😛 "