22 May 03
I think the place you have uploaded your image is not appropriate. It looks like you need to log in to view it, so therefore it won't work when you just link to them as you have done here.
[Enter the image URL alone in to a browser and you will see what I mean]
I suggest you try somewhere else to upload it - failing that, send it to me, and I will upload here for you.
Originally posted by RussOk,russ.How do I send it to you?Thanks for helping out this computerdimwit😵
I think the place you have uploaded your image is not appropriate. It looks like you need to log in to view it, so therefore it won't work when you just link to them as you have done here.
[Enter the image URL alone in to a browser and yo ...[text shortened]... ng that, send it to me, and I will upload here for you.
Originally posted by UncleAdamYou are quite right🙂.Still,it doesn't work,not even when I copy and paste the url.I'll just have russ post it for me 😏
Sorry, but I can tell you its not fine by looking at the properties, it has to have a .gif or .jpeg or something at the end but it doesnt therefore it shows a red X
Originally posted by UncleAdamall righty😵
send me the image to [b] and I will post it on my website[/b]