I don't think its possible to undo a move once it's made. After all, there's no way of knowing whether the mistake you made was an accident in moving (as you said) or you realised afterwards there was a better move.
Please understand I'm not questioning YOUR honesty, but I'm talking generally. Moves can't be undone.
PS I can't work out which one of your games you're talking about.
Originally posted by orfeoAssuming you're black, it looks like you moved the king one square by mistake. You have to move it two for castling. Also, it seems like you have rather a lot of pawns!
I don't think its possible to undo a move once it's made. After all, there's no way of knowing whether the mistake you made was an accident in moving (as you said) or you realised afterwards there was a better move.
Please understand I'm not questioning YOUR honesty, but I'm talking generally. Moves can't be undone.
PS I can't work out which one of your games you're talking about.
Re': Incomplete Castliong Move....i am referring to game #1088234 vs. xela01. Was i surpriserd the next day when i looked at the position and saw that my King ha only been one square! Its obviouss what happened.I have requrested the RHP t.d. to set things right. You say i cant takle back a move--this was only half a move. RHP's special castling maneuver may have contributed to the situatiom. Lets hope no other chess player finds himself in this situatti0n.
Re': Incomplete Castliong Move....i am referring to game #1088234 vs. xela01. Was i surpriserd the next day when i looked at the position and saw that my King ha only been one square! Its obviouss what happened.I have requrested the RHP t.d. to set things right. You say i cant takle back a move--this was only half a move. RHP's special castling maneuver may have contributed to the situatiom. Lets hope no other chess player finds himself in this situatti0n.
Originally posted by XanthosNZToilet Duck?
Edit - seriously trying to help... I thought you might mean Tournament Director, but it is not a Tourny game? Suggest you agree to draw that one and play through the moves like for like in a new game (a set piece game would be easier to setup but would not be rated).
P.s. Your game link ID was wrong. It is game Game 1108234 which you are playing?
Originally posted by silentrookMoving the king one square was a legal move, so the computer accepted it. It's not going to sit there analysing your tactics.
You say i cant takle back a move--this was only half a move.
You can try sending a direct message to Russ, he runs the site, but I think he will tell you the same thing I did. It can't be undone.