Good timing! I just submitted a new build for review today which includes this. When you see Version 4.5.3 is available, install, then look in Preferences / Service preferences.
One difference though, on the app it is a binary "accept/don't accept" challenges - and it will overwrite your web site preference.
There is also a buddy privileges option too.
IOS Appp
Thanks for the fast reply, Russ!
So from the app, if challenges is set to 'off', you cannot be challenged at all except by someone on your buddy list.
If it is 'on', you can be challenged any number of times, but would not be able to exceed the 'unsub game limit'?
Is the android app going to have the same challenge setting option?
This is correct.
Also, it is currently available already in the latest Android release.
Android App 4.5.8