Frankly I'm getting tired of playing Chess engines - some people are so obvious it is embarrassing - if I wanted to cheat I would at least do a better job. Is this even being checked or has the site just given up? I have zero interest in using an engine. Never have! Why would you pay money for a site and NOT PLAY? I am really thinking about quitting the site. I am not thin-skinned about losing - I'd be happy to lose every game if I felt like I had a shot but watching a guy wax the whole score table when you can never find a sub-optimal move in any game is so boring. I have engines to play if I want to do that - and yes I scrupulously search databases and read books (because I want to play better) but I guarantee my in-game moves are my own (however pitiful.) I have actually lost finals in tournaments to belly-crawlers later tossed - I don't care that I didn't get that win but why should I bother playing hard enough to reach a final when I eventually will face an engine that will win no matter what I do? What can be done because I'm pretty much at the end of my rope? Chess takes time and I can't see paying my money and my time if it is not fair.
@terrierjack saidTo answer the Question:
Frankly I'm getting tired of playing Chess engines - some people are so obvious it is embarrassing - if I wanted to cheat I would at least do a better job. Is this even being checked or has the site just given up? I have zero interest in using an engine. Never have! Why would you pay money for a site and NOT PLAY? I am really thinking about quitting the site. I am not thi ...[text shortened]... the end of my rope? Chess takes time and I can't see paying my money and my time if it is not fair.
* Yes it is against the TOS
However as has been discussed in length in different threads: detecting engine use is not as straightfoward as we wish it to be.
If you think that there is an engine user the most promising way is to send Feedback.
@terrierjack saidThere is a link at the bottom of the webside or go directly to
@Ponderable Thanks, how do I send feedback?