yesterday i was opened firefox and went to check my games on rhp. then relised there was no tool bar. like-the bar to tell me how many games i had going. so i, in a hopeful mood, thought it would just come back after a while. so i moved in some of my games. then i tried to make a note in my notepad. and it wouldn't work! the pad wouldn't open! and the pad is javascript as, i assume, is the toolbar. so i thought it was something on my computer-the cache or something. or maybe a mailcious cookie. so i cleared my browsers memory. then relised i couldn't sign in as the toolbar wasn't there...
so i opened up tfc, and lo and behold! it worked fine...
until now. the javascript's gone. again. on both tfc and rhp. rhc works fine though...
anyone got any idea how to rectify this problem? i'm running mozilla through a proxy server running lan suite. apart from that, i'm not overly sure...
i hate computers.
EDIT: the toolbar's back on rhp and so i'm logged in from there. but the pull down menus don't work, and neither do the notepads/insert smiley buttons...
i'm confused! :'(