Originally posted by kayakaschGreetings !
Hi guys,
Couldn't find any help in FAQ neither via forum search, so here's my question.
Is there a way to link up my RHP profile with Facebook? Got both under the same email.
Please, I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering why anyone would want to link what is fundamentally an 'in name only' RHP account with that of FB...I'm at a loss to understand, there's nothing to view...and in four and a half years this is your only public comment..no doubt this is something else that I'm at a loss to comprehend with regard to the whole 'FB experience'...
OTHERWISE, it's good to finally have you on board here.. 🙂
Edit: But seriously, I'm not being negative toward yourself here, I'm just wondering what benefit there would be to any link up, from your own pretty 'dormant' account, with that of a FB account 🙂
I could probably elaborate on the strengths of social media marketing and how I'm a big supporter of it or how linking up RHP users via Facebook could boost the community. But the reason behind my question is simple - bad user experience and probably the fact I'm not a huge fan of ignorance, therefore whenever I see a potential flaw/bug/glitch I try my best to send a feedback.
Seems odd that I can sing in using Facebook account unless I already own RHP account under the same email address. So I'm left with two options. I can either create a new FB account or fiddle with my current RHP account so that the engine would allow me to create an additional account via FB. Both options ridiculous considering the fact the easiest solution would be a "link up accounts" prompt where you could confirm the merge by first signing to your FB the confirming the password from your original RHP profile.
Anyway, thanks for explaining and take care. ;-)