Hi Chris, Sorry I've only just read your post as well. I must admit it
was my fault :-( I got myself a new address from yahoo so that I
could use yahoo messenger in conjunction with email notification as
suggested in one of the forums. When I changed my details I wrongly
assumed the address was a yahoo.com one as I got it from
yahoo.com, but it is in fact a .co.uk one. Strange as I have another
yahoo address for use at work, also obtained from yahoo.com as
opposed to yahoo.co.uk, but this one is a .com address. Just goes to
show that you shouldn't assume anything ;-)
Hello again!
Just to confirm that now I've rectified my error, my e-mail notification
is working fine.
By the way, when you guys get a chance could you please amend the
e-mail notification to send the actual move played, either instead of,
or as well as, FEN? This was promised a while back, but I know you
have been busy with some good improvements.
Thanks, Kingprawn