When you go to My Home and see the My Stats box, it'd be nice if that could also include My Highest Rank (Last 30 Days), since it has My Highest Rating. Not everyone cares about rank or where they stand, but I'm sure some would like to know. Just a thought. Here's another: why can't Blockbuster have viewing rooms? That way no one would have to make two trips for one movie. Someone get on that.
Originally posted by thireUS/GB cultural reference: Blockbuster is a big video hire chain in GB and, apparently, US. So big, in fact, that one says "Blockbuster" to mean "video hire shop" in the same way that "Macdonalds" often just means "fast food restaurant".
I don't understand anythink here... sorry 🙄
The OP wonders, in an OT remark, whether it would not be more efficient to watch the video in the shop: it would save going back to return it.