How about a my tournaments page, may seem a bit silly but with the tournaments lasting so long, I sometimes forget which ones I am involved in. so a list of the tournaments and how many games left to complete in that round would help me.
PS i am ready to feel foolish if this page already exists :-)
Mr Bobs
Originally posted by RussI think this would be good, I am in a couple-three and forget what ones they are.
No it doesn't, and yes, it is something I have considered too. But the way this site works, the more people who pester me for something, the more likely it is to happen, so you have taken a good first step. 🙂
Originally posted by RussRuss, I agree this should be added.
No it doesn't, and yes, it is something I have considered too. But the way this site works, the more people who pester me for something, the more likely it is to happen, so you have taken a good first step. 🙂
Maybe put it at the top of the tournaments page as one of the 'search' links. When you click on it, it will bounce your username through all tournaments and pull up only the ones you are signed up on, regardless of whether they are in progress, completed, or still waiting to start.
I know I've signed up for a few tournaments, but now I can't remember which ones they were.
regards, Marc