When I set this game back to the very start, it looks like some activity has already taken place. Are players allowed to start a game in something other than the traditional configuration of pieces and pawns? Or is it some sort of bug?
Game 547781
Actually, maybe I can answer my own question. The same page that has that game says "Kremnitz-Kadoodlehopper Gambit Tournament" (or some such name), so maybe everybody starts their games in that configuration so as not to have to play the first few standardized moves of that particular opening.
In fact it looks like Phlababit already took care of ths in another thread:
The game will be unrated.. ok?
Make a new game, and click Advanced Options
Click the Play from set piece check Box.
A board with many options now pops up. Pick what you want and set the pieces where you want them.
Should be enough help for you to figure it out.
Good Luck!
So maybe this thread of mine should be dynamited out of existence.